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No Country For Old Men: Ending Explained

The Take

The Coen brothers’ 2007 film No Country for Old Men is not your typical Western: the hero doesn’t win, or even survive, the villain gets away, and the ending isn’t a shootout but rather a slow, calm, monologue by a character who was the least involved of the three main characters. The final scene, much debated by fans and critics, does however give us a window into the movie’s deeper meaning and the Coens’ pessimistic worldview. Buy or rent the movie on Amazon:

Works Cited & Consulted:
"Cormac McCarthy Subconscious is older than Language." YouTube, uploaded by sdobric. Oct 18, 2014.
"The Coen Brothers interview on NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN (2007)." YouTube, uploaded by Eyes On Cinema. Sep 23, 2014.
"Why do we dream? Amy Adkins." YouTube, uploaded by TEDEd. Dec 10, 2015.
"Movies I Love (and so can you): No Country for Old Men (2007) [*Spoilers*] ." YouTube, uploaded by Movies I Love (and so can you). Aug 22, 2013.

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posted by Delilloy8