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Elf on the Shelf 2020!!! All Colors Elf on the Shelf and Elf Babies!

Trinity and Beyond

Elf on the Shelf 2020!!! All Trinity Madison and Preston Elf Videos in 1 Movie!!!

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Elf on the Shelf 2020!!! All out elf on the shelf videos from 2020 on Madison and Beyond for you to see in 1 video on Trinity and Beyond. This fun video for kids is full of fun elf on the shelf ideas for Christmas. With all the colors elf on the shelf videos, we have Trinity's purple elf Sparkles, Madison's pink elf Bubblegum, Preston's blue elf Buddy, our green prankster elf Jinx, our yellow gift elf Jingles, the red elves Chippy and Snowflake, and even the evil black elf Chucky.

Check out our other Channels!!!
Beyond Family:
Madison and Beyond:
John Beyond:    / @johnbeyond  
Preston Beyond:    / @prestonbeyond  
Gamer Trinity:    / @realgamertrinity  
Gamer Madison:    / @realgamermadison  

Follow Us:
TikTok:   / johnbeyond  
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FaceBook:   / trinityandbeyond  

About Trinity and Beyond:
Hey guys! Thanks for visiting our YouTube Channel! This channel stars Trinity and her whole YouTube Family with Madison, Dad, Mom, and Preston! This is a fun channel made for the whole family to watch together! We do lots of good exciting videos that are tons of fun for everyone; in real life character scavenger hunts, pranks, family challenges, and more!

Thanks again for visiting our channel!

#trinityandbeyond #beyondfamily #trinityandmadison #elfontheshelf

posted by judoboussay2c