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Why everyone is wrong about interracial dating

F.D Signifier

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This video breaks down the complexity of why interracial dating for black people is universally controversial.

Edited by ‪@TheZatzman‬
Special Appearances by ‪@supereyepatchwolf3007‬ and ‪@KhadijaMbowe‬

00:00 Intro
07:41 It always goes back to slavery...
14:27 It's a black thing. You wouldn't understand
37:25 Swirlconomics
59:33 No seriously it's always goes back to slavery

Further viewing
My videos referenced
Buck Breaking review    • Buck Breaking Reaction...it's bad  
Black Men's sexuality    • The Dangerous Myths of Black Men's Se...  
Black Men and Colorism    • Black Men and Colorism on Screen  

‪@lilbilliam‬ on Black men    • What Makes A "Good" Man?  
‪@Tirrrb‬ on Masculinity    • The Yassification Of Masculinity  
‪@ForeignManinaForeignLand‬ various videos    • Negrophillia: The Black Fetish  ,    • The HomieSexual "Problem"  ,

Works cited

Pew Study https://www.pewresearch.org/socialtr...

intermarriage divorce –

Reasons for AntiMiscegenation laws

Interracial couples and poverty

Racist trends in medicine

Multi racial people's experiences https://www.pewresearch.org/socialtr...

posted by Parschlugj6