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When will it end?! How can people take advantage of other people in trouble?!

Mico Kitty

I'm so sorry you haven't heard from us for two whole months! We are tired and drained from all of this! We had a catastrophe in our home and a lot of people see that as an opportunity to get money from us! We are two humble people with a cat, doing humble jobs, living in an old excommunist building in a 226 square feet (21 square meters) apartment trying to recover after a flood! We weren't planning on renovating our apartment nor saving lots of money! Thankfully we had a lot of help from our families, you Meow Friends and unfortunately a bank loan! We are very disappointed in some people living close to us! But we made some friends and met very good people along the way, too! I forgot to thank neighbor #4 who was helping us by keeping our keys and opening and closing the windows!

Follow Mico:
Instagram:   / micokitty_yt  
TikTok:   / kittymico  
Twitter:   / micokitty  
Mićo's 2nd Channel | Mico Kitty 2:    / @micokitty2818  

For Mićo's treats and toys:
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ABOUT Mico Kitty:

Mico is a Lynx Point Siamese Cat, also called Tabby Point Siamese cat. His birthday is August 18th 2019. He's born via Csection and had to be resuscitated, fed all night and day every 20 minutes. But he survived and grew big! He was also infected with fCoV, he was very ill, but survived that, too! No FIP for this kitty! He is very vocal, very smart, loving, loves to play, attached to his owners, doesn't like being home alone and he has the most beautiful sapphire blue eyes, that are true to Siamese cats!

Check out more videos of Mico:

Cute and wholesome cat videos that will make you go "Awww":
   • Awww ❤  
Very smart and mischievous cat videos:
   • Smart and mischievous  
Funny and derpy cat videos:
   • Funny   
Mico Kitty Too much Catnip (Official Music Video):
   • Mico Kitty  Too much Catnip (Officia...  
Funny and Cute 2023 Compilation:
   • Lynx point Siamese cats are the FUNNI...  
Members only videos playlist:
   • Members only videos   
Thank you Members:

Hipoalergeniko:    / @hipoalergeniko  
LadyLeomon:    / @ladyleomon  
D.C. & Mr. Christmas:    /  
Jessica Hanley:    / @jessicahanley5080  
DELOREAN FLEETWOOD:    / @theredhotwreck  
Del:    / @delcanada  
FTC Legal Disclaimer Some links found in the description box of my videos may be affiliate links, meaning I will make commission on sales you make through my link.

#MicoKitty #LynxPointSiamese

posted by ActiotaSackrc