In this episode of Shocking Rescue Stories with Dr Scott Miller, hear the sad story of a litter of puppies who were abandoned in a carrier bag on one of the hottest days of the year, taking the staff at RSPCA Millbrook by surprise.
Thank you to Lauren at the RSPCA Millbrook for sharing the puppies story ❤
If you would like to support the work of the RSPCA, you can find out how on their website And if you find yourself in need of help, please reach out to your local animal rescue.
Or to help other dogs like the puppies, contact your local animal rescue, and ask how you can do your bit, to protect and care for our rescue animals.
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Information correct as of Nov 2024
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Into The Clear by Adam Drake, Tom Jenkins, License ID: lRO71X1j5b2
Forever Poignant by Paul Mottram, License ID: pdDrL8BYjY0
Nordic Dust by David Tobin, Jeff Meegan, Malcolm Edmonstone, License ID: dVj1BM6BZ0b
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