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The UFO Conspiracy (2004) | Documentary | Joe Leahy | Kenneth Arnold | Jimmy Carter | Brian Barkley

Christian Movies

Space travelers or demonic deceivers? This is the first, and only, documentary that answers the question of who the pilots of UFOs really are, where they come from, and what their intentions are. Unidentified Flying Objects have been recorded in various forms since the creation of man: Crudely drawn on Stone Age murals...chiseled in Egyptian stone...noted in the journals of ancients like Alexander the Great...even described in the ship's log of Christopher Columbus. More than a stunning catalog of UFO photography, video, and eyewitness recordings, hear startling scriptural evidence from noted scholars like Dave Hunt (The Archon Conspiracy) and I.D.E. Thomas (The Omega Conspiracy) which reveals the hidden truth about UFOs and the beings who operate them.

WriterDirector: Brian Barkley
Cast: Joe Leahy, Kenneth Arnold, Jimmy Carter, Ellie Crystal, Paul Deutsch, Frank Edwards

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