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The sad truth about work (it doesn't need to be like this)

The Market Exit

If you live until you're 82 years old, you get 984 months to use. During the majority of those months, you will be working, 5 days per week, 8 hours per day, or even more. Is this really necessary? Some argue that our generation should demand a better worklife balance, where working less could mean living more!

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During the last 200 years, we've experienced massive productivity gains. This enabled our grandparents' generations to radically improve their lives by earning more and working less. Why isn't our generation demanding the same?

In this video, I explore ideas that challenge our current notions of work. This video is to a large part based on ideas from the Swedish sociologist Roland Paulsen's books. If you like this video, I highly recommend his books, some of which are available in English.

The ideas explored in this video are usually used as a basis to discuss a universal basic income or a shorter work week. Maybe I will have that as a topic for a future video.

In this video:
00:00 My first job.
01:32 Productive productivity.
04:09 Who is getting all the value?
05:40 The curious service sector.
09:01 A pivotal moment in history.
10:25 Thank you!

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Who am I?

I’m Andres Acevedo, a lawyer who make short documentaries about law, economics and fairness for my own channel, The Market Exit. You can help me make videos for The Market Exit by becoming a Patreon. Or, if you live in Sweden, you can Swish me a donation on 123333 34 65.

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#greatresignation #antiwork #worklifebalance

Thanks for watching the video: Working Less Could Mean Living More: Our Generation Should Demand a Better WorkLife Balance

posted by morganepaquet7e