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The Gift of Service – Radio Classic – Dr. Charles Stanley – Power of the Holy Spirit - Part 5

In Touch Ministries

Do you have the gift of service? There's no picture of service in Scripture more humbling than that of Christ washing the feet of His disciples. What some would consider as a lowly task, Christ saw as a need to be met. In Dr. Stanley's message, 'The Gift of Service,' learn that those with the gift of service are often more sensitive to the needs around them and have a compassionate spirit within them that longs to help meet that need.

This message is part of the series "Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit."

Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit
CD Series:
Part 1: The Promise of the Father    • The Promise of the Father – Radio Cla...  
Part 2: Mission of the Spirit    • The Mission of the Spirit – Radio Cla...  
Part 3: The Gifts of the Spirit    • The Gifts of the Spirit – Radio Class...  
Part 4: The Gift of Prophecy    • The Gift of Prophecy – Radio Classic ...  
Part 5: The Gift of Service
Part 6: The Gift of Teaching    • The Gift of Teaching – Radio Classic ...  
Part 7: The Gift of Exhortation    • The Gift of Exhortation – Radio Class...  
Part 8: The Gift of Giving    • The Gift of Giving – Radio Classic – ...  
Part 9: The Gift of Organization    • The Gift of Organization – Radio Clas...  
Part 10: The Gift of Mercy    • The Gift of Mercy – Radio Classic – D...  

For more messages from Charles Stanley, including this week's broadcast, go to

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posted by Nikakitp