Many of us remember the magical time of our lives when we were young and just starting out in the world. Just like a juvenile human being, a Juvenile Red Tail Hawk has lots of growing up to do! Life is full of exciting adventures and lessons learned within Mother Nature's classroom of life.
Red Tails are a very successful species in fact, their habitat covers most of North America. Their famous "red" tail feathers do not develop their famous red coloring until adulthood and neither do their famous hunting skills. They are quick learners however the early attempts aren't always successful.
They have stunning eye capable of spotting their prey form great distances and clearly for a laser focus when swooping down on a potential meal. They are simply incredible to watch and admire and I am happy to share this small window into the world of a young Red Tailed Hawk enjoy!
Protecting wildlife habitat is something that is important for each and every one of us because there is only one Earth, and we all live here and share it together. At the Nature Walks Conservation Society of which I am honored to be the Executive Director, it is our mission to promote wildlife conservation through direct public education. You see working together we really can make a difference!
I'm Mark Fraser and I'll see you again very soon. Until then, you can join me online and catch up on all the exciting Nature Walks news at my website; Thanks to the support of wonderful friends wildlife has a new voice! Thanks to all of you there is a brand new conservation organization helping to raise wildlife conservation awareness called the Nature Walks Conservations Society! With your help we really can make a difference! Watch for us on Facebook / naturewalkscs !
Stay Tuned and please share this film to help promote awareness!