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Making Money in a Futuristic World (Jobs and Future Business Ideas)

Venture City

In the not so distant future you could be making money from home by controlling robots, robots that are in another country. Or there will be products, such as a self driving Tesla car, that can go out and earn money on their own.

This video takes a look at the futuristic ways people will be earning money. From telepresence jobs and future business ideas, to new space businesses, and even how people will be storing their money moving away from cash and credit cards to using chips that are in their bodies.


Elon Musk's Book Recommendations + Others (Affiliate Links)
• The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy:
• Ignition:
• Benjamin Franklin:
• Structures: Or Why Things Don't Fall Down
• The Foundation:
• Six Easy Pieces (Thinking Behind Physics):

Video Links Mentioned in the Video
• Elon Musk: The Scientist Behind the CEO
   • Elon Musk: The Scientist Behind the C...  

• Robots Cooking: The Restaurant of the Future
   • Robots Cooking: The Restaurant of the...  

• Space Inc: The New Space Businesses and Tech
   • Space Inc: The new space businesses a...  

• Elon Musk: Uploading Memories with Brain Chips
   • Uploading Memories: Elon Musk's Brain...  


Other topics covered in this video include:
• What is artificial general intelligence, and why it means we need a universal basic income
• What is a universal basic income (UBI) and what do people like Elon Musk and Andrew Yang have to say about it
• Telepresence work happening today in the field of medicine, and in the future for the likes of truck drivers when Tesla Semis can drive themselves
• Elon Musk's Ad Astra school, and what was taught including entrepreneurship with their own currency
• Futuristic job and business ideas such as a digital life designer, and being a brain to computer trainer

posted by cleansweep1118u