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Lugnut From HELL


Check your wheel stud size and pitch first, then get some Gorrilla lug nuts on Amazon... or don't. You're wheels man. → http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001...

Got an air compressor? Get a plasma cutter! You will not regret it! → http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B018...

The tip dip gel used in the video → http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00E...
Damaged lugnut socke here → http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B015...

Music by Major Lazer “Get Free” (Tony Junior's Remix) download free on Facebook
   • Major Lazer  Get Free (Tony Junior's...  

Social Media
Facebook →   / briansmobile1  
Instagram →   / briansmobile1  

Who's the BOSS? Get'em to donate here! It's tax deductible! These folks help
kids like my daughter to stop having seizures so they can develop properly!
Glut1 Foundation → http://www.g1dfoundation.org/waysto...

Want to see something featured in a video? Send it!
My mailing address → P.O. Box 282 Cedar Valley, UT 84013

Lugnut From HELL

posted by brainwavyon