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“Jesus as the Good Shepherd (Part 1)' - John 10:1-6 (9.25.22) - Dr. Jordan N. Rogers

Dr. Jordan Neal Rogers

Dr. Jordan Rogers continues preaching versebyverse through The Gospel of John in this sermon from John 10:16 entitled, “Jesus as The Good Shepherd (Part 1).”

John’s purpose in John 10:121 was to record the teaching of Jesus in Jerusalem immediately following the public confession of faith by the blind man whom Jesus gave sight. After the man was cast out, Jesus called him to faith and public confession. Then, in the presence of those witnesses, Jesus teaches the people in figurative language that He is the one true Shepherd of God’s people. In vs.16, Jesus declares through the shepherding metaphor that He is the Divinely approved Shepherd of God’s people and the only voice that they will obey.

The following is a sermon on John 10:16, and below you will find the video recording and a sermon outline to help you follow along as you watch. I hope this study tool helps you grow in your love for the Lord Jesus and in your obedience to Him.

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Sermon Title: “Jesus as The Good Shepherd (Part 1)”

Text: John 10:16

Sermon Summary: Jesus is the true and only Shepherd of God’s people.

vs.13aJesus is the One Approved

Assertion #1: Jesus is the Divinely approved Shepherd of God’s people.

vs.3b6Jesus is the One Obeyed

Assertion #2: Jesus is the only voice obeyed by God’s people.

To watch this video on YouTube, use the following link:
   • “Jesus as the Good Shepherd (Part 1)"...  

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