They call it the land of enchantment
But what does that mean?
There must be some magic
To be able to divide a continent
But what would really be enchanting
Would to be able to unite a continent
Maybe we have to find the continental divide
If we want to find a continental uniter
Until then we stopped by ‘the famous’:
Bowlin’s Continental Divide Trading Post
They had a big teepee
(or is it a wigwam?)
Either way,
We thought we’d stop by and check it out
No adventure to small
You gotta take the time
To stop and see them all
The universe expands
And we are in this together
Things could be worse
Find a reason to smile
Quack, quack
Wrinkle & Human
#duck #seducktive #travel
#petduck #wrinkletheduck
#humanname #humanity
#funny #ducks #pets
#vlog #satire