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I Tested Every Smartphone Microscope so You Don't Have to

Micro Safari

I spent way too much money on smartphone microscopes. There are a couple great ones and a bunch of terrible ones.

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Links to my favorite smartphone microscopes:

1. Generic smartphone microscope
We still buy these in bulk to include with our Micro Safari Terra kits.

If you'd prefer to buy these from Bezos instead you can find similar models on Amazon for a bit cheaper. There's quite a bit of variability on assembly quality of these smartphone microscopes depending on where you source them though. I've found some in the wild that shipped new with low charge batteries and fingerprints on the lenses. We work with a manufacturer that charges a bit more but has a much better quality standard. We also inspect each unit that we sell.

2. Apexel smartphone microscope

3. Tinyscope

4. Apexel smartphone macro lens

These are Amazon Affiliate links. Also, I noticed that they all have pretty mediocre product reviews, it seems like the negative reviews are mostly from people using the smartphone microscopes incorrectly or not understanding what they are and what they are not good at doing. But to be fair these products do not come with particularly good instructions or recommendations for getting the most out of the product. Hopefully this video can help bridge that gap though.

00:00 Why Smartphone Microscopes
01:20 My Favorite Smartphone Microscope
02:24 Attaching and Centering
02:42 "Universal" Smartphone Microscopes
03:16 Q&A
06:01 Live Demo: Best Generic Smartphone Microscope
07:36 Live Demo: Apexel Microscope
09:20 Live Demo: Tinyscope
11:25 Live Demo: Apexel Macro Lens
13:09 Live Demo: Meh Options
15:12 Live Demo: Weird Options

posted by itsmeeeeeeym