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How to Engraving Giant Catch Moon Underground House for dog and fish pond underground | Full Videos

Building Skill

How to Engraving Giant Catch Moon, Underground House for dog and fish pond underground, Full Videos

In the this videos we update ( Full Videos) the great amazing dig that unique design Engraving Giant catch the moon on the wall,Underground House for dog and fish pond underground. we use classic tool for dig and paint color by natural recipe .we are get latex tree , flower, fruits , in the forest.....make paint for color. they spent for finish 30 days. it so hard. In this videos just want to show life in the forest
and ideas for design. In the forest has a lot of wildlife so in videos ...snake ..etc....we hope you like videos....your support is my motivation....

Part 1: Engraving Giant Catch Moon On The Wall'>'>'>
Part 2 :Amazing ! Build Underground Stone Fish Pond'>'>'>
Part 3: Carving puppy's mum and build sweet dog house for cute puppies was rescued with his friend monkey'>'>'>

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posted by a2g1e2gvv