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Hitting with the DEMARINI ZEN | BBCOR Baseball Bat Review

The Baseball Bat Bros

Will and John review the new 2025 DeMarini Zen BBCOR. This is DeMarini's new $500 composite bat that allegedly has a "lighter and larger barrel" than the bat it's replacing: the "Zoa".

BBCOR bat rankings: https://baseballbatbros.com/pages/bbc...
Bat Bros Merch: https://routine.com/collections/theb...

2025 Zen product page: https://www.justbats.com/product/dema...

Exit Velo data from Rapsodo: https://rapsodo.com/products/pro2?ut...

And here's a link to the baseballs we use: https://amzn.to/3xGIFpV

posted by kudematj