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🔴 Gregorian Chant Rosary in Latin Prayer Room ✝︎ Sanctum Rosarium in Chant ✝︎ Latin Rosary

Journey Deeper

In this Gregorian Chant Rosary in Latin Prayer Room, we pray the Rosary In Latin in chant with @JohnShaw It is now live streaming 24/7 for constant soaking prayer, and to pray in community with others at the same time all over the world. How powerful! May God be praised now and forever! Kindly consider helping to support this 24/7 stream by becoming a thirdlevel patron or any Patreon team member    / @journeydeeper  

Rosary In Latin Playlist:
   • Rosary In Latin ✝ Sanctum Rosarium  

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posted by Puketae3