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Gaining the respect of a disrespectful horse.

Daniel Yononindo

This is NOT a video about starting or desensitizing a young horse !!!
This is about a SPOILED horse that became DANGEROUS !!!

It is called RE TRAINING, RE SOCIALIZING or call it whatever you want ...

If a horse shows no respect to humans accidents are waiting to happen !!!!

Welcome to reality !!!!

Sorry for not showing the disrespectful or aggressive and dangerous behaviors of some of the horses I´m working with.
The owners do NOT allow me to show those parts .... guess why ????

Because most of the time it makes them owners look STUPID !!!!

Once they are realizing the facts and the truth about the causes of why their horses showing bad /dangerous behavior ... they rather go and sell the horse instead of being willing to work on themselves to become a better horse person !!!!

I am sick and tired of horse owners telling me everything about the bloodline of the horse ... while at the same time they don´t know squat about horses ...
I could go on like this forever .... but I ain´t gonna waste my energy here ...

When you ask your horse to do something, the answer should not be "SCREW YOU" !!!
Horses like this DO NOT CARE if they hurt you !!!
This horse was having a great time pushing and dragging you around for his personal entertainment.
Why was this mare very dominant toward people ?

It apparently had learned that people meant the possibility of food and treats.

This horse started pushing and dragging you around every time you wanted to work with her.

If pushing and dragging you around did not help she started rearing and walking all over you.

NOTE: This horse was not being bad, mean or wrong, it was doing what it has be taught to do in order to get release !!!
To the horse the right answer was to run right over you, drag you around or start rearing to stop that "IDIOT" on the other end of that lead rope asking for something.

The bald face truth is that without the appropriate action it would have been a potential trip to hospital for the owner.

There is no better way to get yourself hurt than dealing with a horse that has no respect of your space.

Truth is that you need to make "bad behavior" uncomfortable for your horse before it is getting worse.

If your DAUGHTER would be in trouble with a horse like this.... would you tell her all she needs to do is love him more ... cuddle him and give him a cookie ???
This lesson made the horse better, it was showing the horse boundaries, it made the horse safer, and it was about being a clear leader to the horse so the horse knows the rules and the rules are clear to the horse.

YES, I did put PRESSURE on this horse .... Yes, I wanted here to REAR up ... telling her that I will stand my ground just like any other dominant horse would have done ....
showing her that rearing / striking out / attacking will put her to work and not being a short cut back to the pasture !!!

So, yes, I am guilty for putting pressure on this horse and also showing boundaries to her, which I think did actually helped in the long term.

So please stop whining about me being a stupid trainer who´s hurting and traumatizing that poor horsy.

Go and stop babying your horses.

Treat a horse like a horse and not like a Barbie horse or cuddly fluffy teddy bear and people like me would be out of work.

By the way ... the horse and owner are doing fine.

Wishing you all happy trails ...

Music by Yononindo

posted by tywodlyd9b