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Americans in England: 10 British Habits I've Adopted After 6 Months in the UK

The Magic Geekdom

After spending 6 months in the UK last year, I've noticed that I've picked up quite a few British habits that I've taken back to the US. From watching more British tv programs to having a very different driving etiquette, today we're discussing the 10 British habits we've adopted after spending so much time in England and the UK last year.

Have a recommendation for a show we should watch? Let us know!
Watch the things we love about the UK video:    • THINGS WE LOVE ABOUT THE UK! (America...  
Watch 10 things that surprised us about the UK:    • Americans in England: 10 Things That ...  
Watch our honest thoughts after 6 months in the UK video:    • Honest Thoughts After 6 Months in the...  
Watch the things we miss about the UK:    • Things We Miss About the UK as Americans  

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posted by iscelige