A Spanish butcher taught me this trick with the turkey neck. I buy it by the kilo
500 g turkey neck.
Cut like in the video.
Salt, ground pepper, paprika.
Mineral water.
mix well.
Cover with foil and let rest for 2 hours.
1 onion.
Cut like in the video.
1 carrot.
Cut like in the video.
2 tomatoes.
Pour boiling water over it.
200 grams of mushrooms.
Cut like in the video.
1 red pepper.
Cut like in the video.
remove excess moisture.
50g butter.
vegetable oil.
Fry until golden brown.
Caraway seeds.
dried ginger.
Place vegetables in a roasting pan.
2 cloves of garlic.
mix well.
Peel the tomatoes.
Remove liquid.
1 tsp salt.
Place turkey necks in the pan.
300 g bulgur.
Fill with water and rinse.
fill with water.
Bay leaf.
Cook until done.
chop finely.
Bon appetit!