As I now prepare for the NonSash Rank (Level 6), I share with you this video, to help you acknowledge within yourself the: physical, mental & spiritual commitment that goes into you growing.
No continuous selfdevelopment will occur, without your continuous commitment to yourselfchallenging your being beyond your comfort zone(s), physically, mentally & spiritually.
Breath Control. Mental Zoning. Spiritual Perception these are just a few of the many areas within yourself, you will have to tap into, when challenged...
I don't expect you to comprehend thoroughly this piece. For your comprehension requires you too to be on this journey. This is just my putting it out there, of who I am, and what I embody; and if you're threatened by this, then this is a good thing.
Who we are & What we represent, cannot be contained.
#obfitnessjm #founder #journey #story