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1963 R Code 427 Galaxie 500

Scott Anderson

A reunion of sorts, 34 yrs after I sold this baby.....
I stumbled on to an ad on FB Marketplace a week ago and couldn't believe it was the same car, after all these yrs.
I first found it in a backyard in Dexter Mich in 1977.
Finally convinced the owner to sell it to me in 1981.
I sold it in 1990.
Have not ever seen it since, but was told 10 or more yrs ago the car was rotting away outside in a storage lot in Waterford MI.
Ironically where the car is today is directly across the street from one of our stores, south of Flat Rock, Mich.
It's been right under my nose for ten years and I never knew it.
Enjoy the video.

posted by diegorlicitraf2