This timelapse video spans around 17 days in 60 minutes of the volcanic eruption in Geldingadalir on the Reykjanes peninsula in Iceland. From 20.03.2021 GMT12:00 to the first 6 hours from when the new fissures opened up 03.05.2021 GMT18:00.
Please feel free to adjust the speed.
To skip the intro, go to 00:26
More information can be seen at the end of the video 01:00:54
The video was made from the Icelandic National Broadcasting Services live stream of the volcanic eruption in Geldingadalir.
The eruption started in the evening of March 19th, 2021 and lasted until late September 2021.
The volcano had been spewing out around 5.7 cubic meters per second (m3/s) of hot lava, around 5 million cubic meters every day (over the time this was filmed). The 1.2201.240°C (2.2282.264F) hot lava is the hottest to ever have been measured in Iceland. The lava had a chemical signature of a deep origin and the volcano was therefore suspected to be feed by a large reservoir of molten lava at depth of about 1720km (10.512.5 miles).
(April 7th, 2021) A new chapter in this saga of volcanic eruptions on the Reykjanes peninsula in Iceland:
The activity in the craters in Geldingadalir had decreased quite a bit but the new fissures were very active. First measurements show that the total amount of lava flow in Geldingadalir (3m*37s) and on Fagradalsfjall (7m*3/s) combined was suspected to be around 10 m*3/s so the flow had therefore grown in intensity. The lava from the new fissures was now flowing in a long river down into Meradalir, east of the fissures.
The eruption was in an area which is not inhabited by people, so no infrastructure was in any significant danger.
Thanks for the love and support through all of these videos. It has really been an encouragement to keep this work going.
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Information from the University of Iceland, Institute of Earth Science:
Areal footage from Reykjavík Grapevine:
Maps from Landmælingar Íslands:
Satellite photo from Copernicus The European Earth Observation Programme:
00:00 – Intro
00:26 Day One March 20
03:20 – Day Two March 21
07:49 – Day Three March 22
12:29 – Day Four March 23
16:52 – Day Five March 24
19:16 – Day Six March 25
23:11 – Day Seven March 26
27:44 – Day Eight March 27
31:22 – Day Nine March 28
33:51 – Day Ten March 29
38:16 – Day Eleven March 30
42:22 – Day Twelve March 31
45:53 – day Thirteen April 1
48:24 – Day Fourteen April 2
52:21 – Day Fifteen April 3
52:32 – Day Sixteen April 4
57:29 – Day Seventeen April 5
57:35 Fagradalsfjall Fissure Opens
1:01:00 Information