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重新构思你的人生 Reimagining Life | Yusuf Hashim | TEDxPetalingStreet

TEDx Talks

Yusuf Hashim 的人生上半场他是职场精英石油公司的高层。
人生下半场他选择在 53 岁以后退休看高山和大海学摄影。
已过不惑之年的他开车横跨地球穿越 6 大洲超过 120 个国家6次航行到南极洲。

How would you plan to spend your life?
Yusuf Hashim spent the first half of his life excelling at his field, in the upper echelons of the petroleum industry. He chose to retire at 53 and spend his later years exploring the natural world through photography, travelling across six continents and over 120 nations, including 6 visits to Antarctica.
His message for us is that time and life are priceless– it is vital for us to explore all the potential that life has to offer.

#TEDx #TEDxPetalingStreet #TEDx茨廠街 #TEDx茨厂街 #Balance2023 #衡2023 #YusufHashim #自由冒险摄影师 #作家 #摄影 #世界探索者 #你会怎么规划你的人生 #Speakers2023 Yusuf Hashim77 岁的探险家、作家兼摄影人。他曾在世界第二大的石油公司 Shell 服务长达 32 年最后的职位是董事经理一职。 然而在 1999 年53 岁的他决定提早退休追寻他的第二人生。他开车横跨地球穿越 6 大洲超过 120 个国家曾 7 次航行到南极洲他 68 岁时取得了飞行脚踏滑翔伞的资格成为最年长的脚踏滑翔伞飞行员之一。他用自己的行动证明了年龄并不是限制其冒险、创新和学习的精神是后辈的典范。

77yearold Yusuf Hashim is a global explorer, author, and freelance adventure photographer. He was the Managing Director at Shell Chemicals, where he worked for 32 years before electing to retire in 1999 at the tender age of 53. Since then, he has gradually checked off items on his bucket list, including driving across 120 countries on 6 continents; sailing to Antarctica 7 times, and becoming the oldest person to obtain a paramotor flying qualification at 68. Yusuf proved that age is not a hindrance to achieving goals. His adventurous spirit and desire to continue learning make him an exemplar to the younger generation. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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