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World’s Strongest Ships: Titanic Forces of the Sea | Complete Series | FD Engineering

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World’s Strongest Ships: Titanic Forces of the Sea | Complete Series | FD Engineering

Heavy Lift The World's Largest Moving Equipment:    • Heavy Lift: The World's Largest Movin...  

00:00:00 Drilling Rig Transport
A brandnew drilling rig, worth 500 million dollar, has to go from South Korea to Europe. The problem: It is too gigantic for a heavy transport vessel. The solution: it’s being towed. By one single tug. It’s a true Mega Transport, halfway around the globe – all that in just 90 days.

00:47:53 World's Biggest Containership
It is the largest heavy load transport on earth! When the first ship of the brandnew OOCLfleet gets underway, more cargo is moved at one time than anywhere else in the world and ever before. At 21,100 TEU capacity, the vessels are the largest ever ordered to date.

01:34:32 World's Largest Automobile Transporter
A transport to the other side of the globe. The “Höegh Trapper” is the largest automobile transporter in the world. Two hundred meters long, thirtysix meters wide. But the major attraction is actually behind the steel hull: A gigantic cargo area: In total over seventyone thousand square meters.

02:21:31 Yacht Transport
Transporting a ship by a ship this becomes necessary when the superrich want to have their super yacht available at a vacation paradise at the other end of the world, but under no circumstances want to sail it there themselves. That's when specialized companies like Sevenstar Yacht Transport come into play who take yachts across the oceans to the still so smallest islands on huge transport ships, or as a mass delivery to the Côte d'Azur.
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“Engineering: the branch of science and technology concerned with the design, building and use of engines, machines and structures.” So says the Webster definition. Our newest Free Documentary family member Free Documentary Engineering is all about engineering and bringing our community the best documentaries on engineering.

posted by sudaminaq0