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Wildest Middle East | Episode 2: Egypt - Survivors of the Sand | Free Documentary Nature

Free Documentary - Nature

Wildest Middle East Episode 2: Egypt Survivors of the Sand | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'Wildest Middle East Episode 3' here:    • Wildest Middle East | Episode 3: Jord...  

In this episode:
Life in the decimated deserts of Egypt seems impossible. However, beneath the surface, Egypt is very much alive. Animals rule the land, skies, and surrounding seas and thrive in the amazing climate.

From thick forests to remote deserts, along wild mountain ranges, and into colorful seas the Middle East has a spectacular, but virtually unfilmed, natural history. This is where east meets west; forests meet deserts. This series visits Turkey, Egypt, Turkmenistan, and Jordan, from the howling deserts to the whispering forests.


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