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Wildcats - The Americas | Free Documentary Nature

Free Documentary - Nature

Wild Cats Episode 2: The Americas | Wildlife Documentary

Watch 'Wild Cats Episode 3' here:    • Wildcats  Asia | Free Documentary Na...  

The Americas, once home to some of the world's most ancient civilizations. From the southern cape to the northernmost shores of Canada. Inhabited by over a billion people, these vast continents of North and South America are rich in biodiversity and are home to over 20,000 animal species, including 14 wild cats.
Uncover the unique environments these cats have conquered, the ways in which they have expertly adapted to their surroundings, and the challenges they face in their epic fight for survival. Join us on a journey of discovery through the vast mountains and jungles of these continents as we encounter some of the deadliest apex predators on the planet. This is "Wildcats: The Americas".


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