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Why is the number of mycoplasma pneumoniae cases increasing how can it be prevented?

Arirang News

항생제 내성 강한 마이코플라스마 폐렴 확산 주의할 점은?

Clusters of respiratory illness outbreaks are putting many countries on alert.
South Korea too, is not an exception; the KDCA reported the number of hospitalized patients with respiratory illnesses increased onepointsix times from the first week of November to the fourth week.
Infections by mycoplasma pneumoniae, a bacterium that causes "walking pneumonia," are reportedly common in schoolaged children, and could be resistant to some antibiotics.
This is all raising worries about a potential "pediatric care crisis," as practices nationwide are already suffering from staffing shortages.
What symptoms are caused by mycoplasma pneumoniae, and how concerning are they?
For an answer to this, we have invited professor Kim Moonkyu from Yonsei University College of Medicine into the studio.
Welcome, professor Kim.
We also have professor Peter Chinhong from the University of California, San Francisco.
Good to see you professor Chinhong.

(KIM) Q1. First of all, I would like to ask what mycoplasma pneumoniae actually is. Some call it "walking pneumonia." What is it? And why does it show a higher incidence in children?

(CHINHONG) Q2. How does it spread?

(KIM) Q3. Correctly diagnosing the illness is important, and so I would like to ask about the signs and symptoms of it. I heard children under the age of five can develop coldlike symptoms. Are the symptoms different depending on the age group? And what are the signs of it progressing to pneumonia?

(CHINHONG) Q4. Some reports say that mycoplasma pneumoniae can be resistant to common antibiotics. Is this true? What antibiotics do doctors usually use and if the common ones do not work well, what are the alternatives?

(KIM) Q5. Health officials pointed out that mycoplasma pneumoniae infection has a low fatality rate but if a patient gets infected with other respiratory illnesses such as flu would that increase the fatality rate in any way or contribute to pneumonia developing?

(CHINHONG) Q6. China has already been seeing a spike in the number of mycoplasma pneumoniae infections. As far as I know, this respiratory infection recurs every three to four years in Korea. Though it could be different from the situation in Korea, why is China suffering from this outbreak so heavily?

(CHINHONG) Q7. What are the chances of a mycoplasma pneumoniae pandemic like COVID19?

(KIM) Q8. Now, to proper responses South Korean government would have to take Some watchers are saying the government's response has been somewhat complacent and that the KDCA's sampling survey is limited to hospitallevel medical institutions with more than 200 beds. What is your view on this? And what other concerns might medical experts have regarding the government's response?

(KIM) Q9. Some from the medical field are expressing concerns over a pediatric care crisis given that pediatric clinics and hospitals are already being overwhelmed. Could you address their worries?

(BOTH) Q10. What proactive measures should the government take then to prevent the alreadystruggling pediatric sector from being hit again?

(CHINHONG) Q11. Preventing children from being infected with mycoplasma pneumoniae at home is also important. What preventive measures could parents or guardians take?

Hopefully, everyone can follow such preventive measures and avoid infection.
Unfortunately, that's all the time we have for today's edition.
Thank you Professor Kim and Professor Chinhong for your time and insights.
We appreciate it.

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20231211, 18:30 (KST)

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