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Why Do Experts Always Defend Language Mistakes

Dr Geoff Lindsey

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So often linguists seem to be defending language errors simply because they're all 'woke'. In this video we look at prescriptivism and descriptivism, standards, language 'rules', arbitrariness and the way emotions can control our thinking about language.
0:00 Quiz and introduction
1:50 Broad perspective & Ground News
3:30 Ferdinand de Saussure & arbitrariness
4:51 Standardness
6:13 Prescriptive & descriptive
6:44 Unconscious complexity
8:50 The value of standards
9:40 Language is rulegoverned
11:10 Precedents
12:11 Covert and driving
13:16 Mistaken reanalysis
14:20 Emotion
16:17 Evidence against them
18:04 The power of association
22:56 Lingerie

Ferdinand de Saussure Creative Commons AttributionShare Alike 4.0 International license.

Butterfly effect pendulums by Wrzlprmft
Creative Commons AttributionShare Alike 4.0 International license.

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