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Why Airbnb was wrong to ditch React Native in 2018 - Mohammad Javad - RNL - August 2023


Mohammad Javad Head of Mobile at Theodo UK Sunrising React Native: why Airbnb was wrong to ditch React Native in 2018

In this video, Mo discusses React Native and challenges misconceptions about its capabilities and adoption. He starts by introducing React Native and its potential to build mobile applications. Mo mentions a wellknown article by Airbnb that raised doubts about React Native's reliability and discusses the changes and improvements since then.

He explains how React Native works, breaking down its architecture, bridging JavaScript and native layers, and the advantages of overtheair updates. Mo also demonstrates a simple interactive demo using Expo, showcasing React Native's ease of development and flexibility.

Next, he talks about the usage of React Native, highlighting major companies like Meta, Microsoft, and Shopify that have successfully implemented React Native in their applications. He emphasizes that React Native is a thriving communitybacked project with a bright future, dispelling doubts raised by the Airbnb article.

Mo shares his excitement about upcoming advancements in React Native, including simpler integrations with the native layer, universal apps, and the potential for micro frontends. He discusses efforts to improve React Native's type safety and performance, showcasing the positive impact of tools like TypeScript and Hermes.

Lastly, he addresses the concerns raised in the Airbnb article, providing updates on how the React Native ecosystem has evolved to address those challenges. He mentions improvements in libraries, performance, and upgrade processes, emphasizing that React Native has come a long way and continues to evolve.

This talk aims to educate viewers about React Native's strengths and potential, encouraging them to explore and consider it for their mobile development projects.

[00:00:00] Intro
[00:01:07] Preface
[00:01:30] Should we really use R.N for our next mobile app?
[00:02:29] What is React Native who uses it in the real world?
[00:05:06] React Native is Native
[00:07:05] Demo
[00:10:09] Usages of React Native
[00:12:58] Future of React Native
[00:14:05] Next Big Things in React Native
[00:15:14] Expo Modules API
[00:16:40] Universal Apps Bridging the gap between JS & Native
[00:19:13] Micro Frontends for Mobile?
[00:21:21] AirBNB What worked and didn't
[00:26:09] Q&A


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