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Who has the best claim to the title of Roman Emperor?


Roman Emperors Family Tree chart:

Thanks to all the channels that participated:

Stefan Milo:
   / @stefanmilo  

Al Muqaddimah:
   / @almuqaddimahyt  

M. Laser History:
   / @mlaserhistory  

Jack Rackham:
   / @jackrackam  

A Long, Long Time Ago:
   / @alonglongtimeago  

This is Barris:
   / @thisisbarris  

History & Headlines:
   / @historyandheadlines  

The Cynical Historian:
   / @cynicalhistorian  

   / @thinkfiveable  

Tom Richey:
   / tomforamerica  

House of History:
   / @hoh  

Hikma History:
   / @hikmahistory  

History's Who Yesterday's Nation:
   / @historyswhoyesterdaysnatio5197  


Who Would Be Tsar of Russia?
   • Video  

Intro music: "Lord of the Land" by Kevin MacLeod and licensed under Creative Commons Attribution license 4.0. Available from

posted by kumikrhd