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What the cats do when the butler is asleep (feat. night of 4 cats that made the butler cry)

스튜디오V [ STUDIO V ]

[When everyone's asleep]

Just got to know the hearts of the cats
Heart attack throughout the video with kitty punch

⊙ Cast

☞ Large Dog Rabong's guardian
YouTube[ Kind Rabong    / @다정한라봉씨f8k   ]

☞ Abandoned Dog Zec's Adoptive Family
YouTube[ Zegu's    / @zec1981   ]

☞ Cat Butler
YouTube[ Eut.d's Cat Tycoon
   / @eut.d   ]

☞ Veterinarian
YouTube[ Vet Yeone    / @dr.lee_vlog   ]

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posted by Povilaspn