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What Pokémon Games Could and Should Be (But Sadly Aren't) (Series Comparison and Retrospective)


The Pokémon series has seen a shift in game design over the past decade, but not in a positive way. This transition has been accompanied by a large amount of criticism from some of the series' long time fans. I try to identify how exactly these games have changed and why they're worse off for it (if they truly are).


This is a retrospective, review, analysis, and comparison of the entire mainline Pokémon series, and as such, it covers a large breadth of topics; it's a lot to take in, but I'd appreciate hearing your thoughts on the game.

If you enjoyed the video, please consider subscribing, leaving a like, and commenting what you thought about it. I spent hundreds of hours on it (all while taking college classes) so I'd like to see if these videos are something that I should (and am able to) continue making.

I also forgot to credit PokeaimMD (aka Strong Jaw Joey) in the credits for the trick room footage, shoutout to him!
If you think I used your footage and I missed crediting you (I imported over 500 clips for the project (some of those clips being hours long) so I very well might have missed a couple) please let me know, I'll try to make it up to you!

posted by prisilitilz