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What is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil Really About?

Hebrew Bible Insights

I interview Nathan French (Ph.D. Hebrew Bible and the ancient Near East) about his Ph.D. Dissertation on the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. He shares the history of how the tree has been interpreted, walks us through his research strategy, and then shares his unique contribution to this area of research. He traces the phrase "knowledge of good and evil" throughout the Hebrew Bible and ancient Near East to show how Genesis 23 is about more than just "God told Adam and Eve not to do something, they did it, and so they sinned." There is another dimension to this story that has a big impact on how we interpret, preach, and teach the foundational story of the Bible.

Nathan's Dissertation: https://www.amazon.com/TheocentricIn...

Nathan's Bio and Publications: https://aberdeen.academia.edu/NathanF...

posted by arruhadasuw