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What Happens When a Puppy Enjoys Eating Watermelon Too Much

[THE SOY] RuPong house

#Pomeranian #Ru_Pong_house #Puppy_channel
#Pomeranian #FunnyDoggo #CuteDoggo
A healing channel of Ru Pong house    / rudypongki  

This is Samba Fairy Rudy & Orgkorgker Pong Ki's YouTube channel.
RUDY (female) / 3.5kg / Pomeranian / Birthdate: 10/03/2015
PONGKI (female) /1.5kg / Pomeranian / Birthdate: 28/05/2015

Please think carefully before adopting a pet.
Living with a dog is like raising a baby for their whole life.
They may fall ill when they age.
They are living things that give unconditional love to the guardian.
Please be responsible.

Subscribe   / @rupong  
The Soy https://smartstore.naver.com/thesoy
Instagram   / thesoy_yoonso  
Facebook   / thesoythesoythesoy  

posted by Muchawiecl9