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What do our Oldest Myths mean?


This video explores myths from creation to dragons to death to floods, and explains what they mean and where they come from, their age and origin. This is the first time I've given a talk combining all the key mythologies from many cultures into one video, and whether you are familiar with mythology or want to know more, this video will reveal secrets that other channels are not telling you. This is the story of the origins and truths about myths.

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Please respect other's cultures and beliefs. Racism, discrimination or threatening speech will not be tolerated.

Video ReferencesCosmic Hunt:    • The OLDEST story in the World  The C...  

Creation Myths:    • The OLDEST Creation MYTH in World, an...  
Dragon Myths:    • The Oldest Dragon Myths and its Origins  
Flood Myths:    • The Oldest Flood Myth and its Origin  
Our Oldest Belieifs and Religion:    • The Oldest Religion in the World: The...  
Academic Methods of Mytholography:    • Finding our Oldest Myths: The Academi...  

General Bibliographical References
Bascom, William. 1965. The Forms of Folklore Prose Narratives. The Journal of American Folklore. Vol.78
Scott Littleton, C. 1965. A twodimensional scheme for classification of narratives. The Journal of American Folklore. Vol.78
Hamilton, Edith. 1942. Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heros
Riech, David. 2019. Who we are and how we got here. Oxford
Eliade, Mircea. 1949. The Myth of the Eternal Return
Witzel, Michael. 2012. The Origins of the World’s Mythologies

0:00 Introduction
5:15 The Cosmic Hunt
22:15 Creation
24:55 The Flood Myth
31:00 Dragons
44:20 Death
50:45 The Persistance of Myths

posted by Osettokw