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We Play LEGO Fortnite for the FIRST TIME !!

Tic Tac Toy Family

Thank you to Epic Games for sponsoring this video! Star Wars is now in LEGO Fortnite, which is great to play with friends and family! Play on your Nintendo Switch console NOW! #MayThe4th #LEGOStarWars #LEGOFortniteStarWars #EpipPartner @LEGOFortnite

May the 4th be with you! Our family is playing the new update to LEGO Fortnite featuring all sorts of Star Wars themed characters and items. Lilly is the only one with previous experience playing Fortnite, so she is going to guide Addy and Maya through the game on our Nintendo Switch console and then she'll judge which of her sisters did the best! Who do you think will get Lilly's vote? You'll have to watch to find out!

Music credits:
Grocery Store Blues, Cast Of Characters BEE4UOFDJOGS4BJ5
Daydream, Reveille R3KWXR7FSNZ8MLS7
Rebel Riot, The Revolution UMA1P9A7YAL3IJXP
Fairytale Fantasy, PALA OGOE79SC9QTY8ESQ
Dork The Halls, Cast Of Characters OJAFWZ7QZVDHSJWM
Talk The Walk, Reveille AZOYJHQHYNHRSI4C

posted by Tsitselisgo