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We Built Fake Beaver Dams to Rewild this Dead River

Mossy Earth

Earlier this year we introduced you to Glassie, our riparian restoration project in Scotland. In this video, we're constructing our fake beavers to really kickstart regeneration of this river.

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River Revivers: https://riverrevivers.co.uk/
Glassie: https://www.thebunkhouse.co.uk/

0:00 Intro
2:00 Project recap
3:21 River fly survey
5:36 Building the dams
11:23 Real beaver dams

Beavers have rightly claimed a lot of accolades in the recent rewilding movement for their central role in restoring riparian areas. The dams they engineer create habitats, filter water and help mitigate flood damage and droughts. For degraded riparian areas devoid of trees and beavers, artificial structures called Beaver Dam Analogues (BDAs) are being used to mimic the effects of beaver dams. This is the case for our latest project in Scotland at Glassie Farm, a member of the Northwoods Rewilding Network (NRN). Habitat degradation, pollution and rising water temperatures are threatening a host of important native species. In partnership with River Revivers, we’re building BDAs and planting native trees and scrub to create habitat, help improve water quality, stabilise water temperature and mitigate flood damage.

Read all about this work here:

posted by foneticaxm