Wizards and Warriors animated fantasy documentary lore video series on the world of MiddleEarth Lord of the Rings universe continued with a video on the War of the Ring. In this video, we will talk about the end of the Second Age and the War of the Last Alliance, early history of the United Kingdom of Arnor and Gondor, destruction of Arnor in the War with Angmar and the rise of Rohan, as well as the Battle of the Five Armies, formation and destruction of the Fellowship of the Ring and the first battle of Osgiliath, battles of the Fords of Isen, the battle of Helm's Deep, the battles of Osgiliath and Rammas Echor, battles of Pelargir and the Pelennor Fields, Sauron's forces attack on Dale Erebor, Lorien and the Woodland Realm during the War in the North, the battle of the Black Gate, the final destruction of the Ring, the Scouring of the Shire and the battle of Bywater, and the aftermath of the War of the Ring.
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Writer: Frank Ó'hÁinle
Illustration and Animation: Arb Paninken
Map: Adam Ellis Charters
Battle Assets/Logo: Oguz Tunc
Battle Map: Arif Azaman
Narration: OfficiallyDevin ( / officiallydevin )
Editing: Kamran Maharramli
Producer: Nurlan Karimov
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com
#Lore #Fantasy #LordOfTheRings