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Upper Body Exercises On Your Bed for Seniors


Are you bedridden because of an illness and want to be able to get up to sit, stand up and walk again? If you do, then you need to watch this video.

Studies show that your muscles will Start to atrophy and get weak 20 to 30% after only one week of being bedridden. The more that you stay in bed, the faster your muscle will waste away. So it is very important for you to start doing exercises immediately after your physician has cleared you to start moving in when your vital signs are stable.

In this video we will start with upper body exercises that we can do while still being bedridden in preparation for us to be able to get up to a sitting position and eventually start standing and walking.

First exercise is head turning. This is important because we need to turn our buddy to side lying first in order to get up easier. When your head turns it is easier for the body to follow. Let’s turn our head side to side 10 times.

Second exercise is trunk twisting. Put your hands together and keep your arm straight.
If you have a stroke, keeping your hands together will allow you to support the weaker arm with your stronger arm. Try to bring both arms side to side 10x.

Third exercise is bed angel. This is a modification of your snow angel. You just slide your arms on your bed keeping your arm straight up to your shoulder level. Keep your palms facing up. Do this 10 times.

Next exercise is elbow bending. This is necessary so that we are able to pull ourselves up using our arms. Just bend your elbow 10 times. If that is too easy try using your extra pillow as your weights.

Fifth exercise is elbow to the bed. This will strengthen your back. This is necessary so that you are eventually able to maintain good balance when we start to set up at the edge of the bed. Just push your elbow towards the bed with your arms bent. Do this 10 times.

Sixth exercise is triceps extension.
Bend your arms with your elbows pointing up towards the ceiling and your hands close to your ears. Keep your elbows in place and don’t move it. Bring your hands towards the ceiling. Then back again close to your ears or top of your head 10 times. You can use your pillow again as weights for this.

Last upper body exercise is modified crunches. Bend your arm from the elbow just like the fifth exercise which was elbow to bed. But this time your your elbow will just be for support. Try to bring yourself up using your core or abdominals and do not tuck your chin. Instead, point it up and bring it towards the direction of the ceiling. Do this 10 times.

Try to do this at least 2 to 3 times a week with a day of rest in between. So it will be on alternate days.
This video should not replace the necessity of visiting your doctor or getting your occupational therapy session done. Please consult your primary care physician before doing any of this. The video is for educational purposes only.

By performing any fitness exercises, you are performing them at your own risk. Skills and wellness will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of our fitness program.

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posted by prolskimdg