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UPDATE on Beautiful Golden Retriever Litter u0026 Mama Maddie! Pups now 3-4wks u0026 Playful!

Katy Bug65

Meet Maddie aka Madison! Our Beautiful & Lovely, extremely friendly, PureBred Golden Retriever Mama Doggie!! And also, her absolutely Adorable Litter of 9 Golden Puppies!!! Including: 7 Males, and 2 Females! Which we all decided as a family to nickname them in the meantime Country Music Superstars! Lol
*Maddie is approximately 23yrs old.. And her beautiful offspring at the moment is almost 4 weeks !
.. Thank You so very much for watching each & every one of their cutest little moments and as they grow before they leave Mama! I’m cherishing every single moment & hoping to upload every single growth spurt moment as well! And will definitely keep you updated as we plan on keeping one of the (very few!) gorgeous females, as well as the few males that will be going to friends & family too! Thanks so much!! Xoxo ♥

posted by Vingstey