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unhauling 100+ books ruthlessly and without remorse 🔪

lexi aka newlynova

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hello friends. today i tried to get my life together thru unhauling ~20% of my book collection. this is me cataloguing that adventure. enjoy!

s o c i a l s
• you might recognize me from tiktok:   / newlynova  
• hot girls also follow me on goodreads:   / newlynova  
• instagram:   / newlynovabooks  

⏰ t i m e s t a m p s
introduction: 0:00
trainwell partnership: 2:20
the unhaul: 4:22
romance: 8:40
thrillers: 11:11
young adult: 15:37
sci fi/fantasy: 25:53
misc. fiction: 29:53
nonfiction: 38:25
unread: 43:23
a note on libraries/consumption: 47:18

f a q
• i film using a fujifilm XS10 and edit with premiere pro.
• i am 23 and currently live in wisconsin.
• no i do not have a patreon or a book club but i will one day! potentially one day SOON
• contact: [email protected]

posted by kwanijazapz