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Unboxing Cackle Hatchery SURPRISE! What will these baby chicks be?! I’m EXCITED u0026 TERRIFIED 🐣😁😳

Katie Zornes

Cackle Hatchery in Missouri offers a Hatchery Surprise. You can order 20 or 40 baby birds of the hatchery’s choosing. These are chicks left over from their day’s hatchlings. It’s a great way to get unclaimed babies to new homes to thrive AND it’s a totally fun and cost effective way for us to grow our flock.

Join my dad and I as we unbox these baby birds. It’s the ultimate unboxing with a bunch of chirping and cute little faces.

What will these babies grow up to be?
Can you identify some of these baby chicks?

Subscribe to watch these chicks grow and catch the latest happenings on the farm!


What you need to start with baby chicks: YOU can raise chickens for EGGS | Part 2 Raising chicks & picking chicken breeds    • YOU can raise chickens for EGGS | Par...  

Why ordering birds works for us and other ways to get baby chicks:    • Video  

Get your own surprise box of birds: cacklehatchery.com/product/hatcherysurprise

#hatchery #unboxing #babychicks

posted by Diserop5