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ULTIMATE Fortnite RAGE Compilation #6


The best fortnite rages from big fortnite streamers and youtubers. Mostly from the past month. Ninja, Daequan and the king of rage Dellor are some of the stand outs featured in this video.

✦Submit YOUR Clips! Send to ►[email protected]

► Music:
▪ Outro Song: Omoshiroebi Mille Feuille (Orig. Stepic)
◦Youtube Link:    • Omoshiroebi  Mille Feuille (Orig. St...  

►How to submit your videos & Fortnite clips to Locandro:

1) Upload your video to Youtube, Twitch, or Twitter

2) Send the link of your clip to this email:
( [email protected] )

I will then watch the clip you've sent and if I like it, I will feature it in a future video!

3) That's it!

posted by l2k2smw