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Two mother cats carry newborn kittens in their teeth. Which one gave birth?

Mom cat voice

Two mother cats carry newborn kittens in their teeth. Which one gave birth?
Mother cats often carry kittens in their teeth after birth. But today something very strange happened.
We heard meowing and discovered that our two cats were carrying kittens in their teeth. Both cats pretended that they were the ones who gave birth to these kittens. We knew the cats were pregnant, but we didn't know the exact due date. We felt the stomach of both, but this also did not help both had a stomach and we understood that maybe labor was still going on and the stomach had not completely subsided. It was decided to observe how cats carry kittens and so decide which of them is the mother of the kittens.
We have a problem with the cat Kira the first day after giving birth she always does not understand what to do with the kitten. And we always make sure that the kitten is close to the mother cat. If you don't control it, the cat's mother may not produce milk. This time the task became even more difficult. But after a while we decided that these were, after all, Kira’s kittens and placed the second cat in the second enclosure.
Two mother cats are carrying kittens and we don’t know which one gave birth.    • Two mom cats carry meowing kittens in...  

posted by desimalile