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Trying to teach a newborn kitten to feed from a foster mother cat

Kitten Street

Feeding a newborn kitten with a foster mother cat. A difficult task. Please turn on subtitles!
Yesterday we took our cat to be spayed after an unsuccessful birth, but there was another living kitten inside her. He miraculously survived and we were able to bring him home. The mother cat remained at the clinic under the supervision of doctors for several days. We are feeding the kitten from a bottle, but we really want to teach him to drink milk from our nursing cat Basya. Basya has 6 kittens of her own and this is not easy. I take several kittens to my bed so that the baby has a place near the foster mother

The beginning of the story of the abandoned kitten is here    • Just born, the poor kitten was abando...  

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posted by ze4di1kj5