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Trying Out 5 Heatless Curl Methods!

Rachel Maksy

HyELLLOO. Since I knew we'd be busy with the move, I started filming this video a few weeks ago hehehe. I always love me a good 'let's just play with hair' video, so here ya GOOO.
As my hair is getting longer, I've been getting a little bored with it, so I decided to take a cue from the AMAZING scarlettohair (her info is down below) and try out some heatless curl methods!
ANYWHO I love you all!! Thank you for your patience while I get back to my regularly scheduled programming XD

Molly's (scarlettohair) info!
Tiktok:   / scarlettohair  
Instagram:   /  
Youtube: ‪@scarlettohair‬

Insta:   / rachel.maksy  
Facebook:   / rachelmaksy  
TikTok: @rachelmaksy

posted by palub7q