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Tiny Hamster Exploring His New Home 🐹🏠


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Helpful Hamster Care Resources

Safe & Unsafe Food List (includes cited sources/scientific studies)
➤ https://ontariohamsters.ca/education/...

The Hammingway (the ultimate hamster care resource)

Hamster Welfare (Care Guide)

Hamster Central Forum ➤ http://hamstercentral.com
Das Hamster Forum ➤ https://dashamsterforum.de
Hamster Clubhouse Forum ➤ https://hamsterclubhouse.com/forum/


Lotus the winter white dwarf hamster explores his new home, an 880sq inch DIY enclosure / custom hamster cage. Complete with 25cm of burrowing depth, a mixture of safe burrowing substrates, foraging material and textures. Handmade hamstersafe houses, platforms, hides, a personal garden, large sand bath, and more!

The 8" mint coloured wheel is from the brand Niteangel

If you want to see the full set up in detail then
check out this video    • Set Up A Hamster Cage With Me | Natur...  

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posted by alltof35