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This kitten is so cute that it jumps at its owner because it's worried about him.

Kitten Class

Play with kittens with Gar Gar Chicken.
When I hit her shoulder with a massage ball to relieve her fatigue from work, she gets worried and jumps at me.
It was so cute to see the kittens worrying about me.

Mother/Scottish Fold/Blue Tabby
Father / British Shorthair / Shell Silver Shade
Lulu's second child / white and brown / short hair

★Lulu's fourth child

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   / @kittenclass  

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✅ Lulu the Cat
   / @luluthecat0406  

#Kitten #Kittens #kitten class #Lulu the Cat #Cat #Scottish Fold #British Shorthair #Cute cat #Kitten meow #Kitten birth #Baby cat #Hungry kitten #Meow

posted by Duepenronna6v