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THIS is the BIGGEST musical fraud I've EVER seen.

Wings of Pegasus

Tonight we're exposing a video trend that's receiving millions of views pretending to be something it's not. For the videos featured see under the time stamps.
0:00 Intro
1:13 The Fraudulent Videos
5:03 Maintaining the Lie
8:23 Channel No.2 'Kulipak Pais'
9:04 The DOUBLE Fraud
10:33 Case No.3 – ‘RAZA ANDRI ALEXANDER’
12:05 Another Double Fraud!
16:18 Multiple Accounts = Maximum Revenue
17:57 ‘Andri & Alby’ (Verified Account)
20:36 Rinse and Repeat (‘Studio Andrian’)
23:41 The Pitch Correction 'Enabler'!
25:31 Vanny Vabiola's 'Original Works'

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posted by razdrtulr